[Based on] The King Piccolo Saga [Dragonball], also known as the Piccolo Daimaoh Saga (Demon Lord Piccolo Saga) is the penultimate saga from the anime Dragon Ball. It occurs after the Tien Shinhan Saga and precedes the Piccolo Junior Saga. It includes the battles between Goku and King Piccolo�s sons, Goku�s first encounter with the Samurai warrior, Yajirobe, Goku�s quest to find the Holy Water, his final battle with young King Piccolo, and the birth of Piccolo Junior
The young warrior Son Goku sets out on a quest, racing against time and the vengeful King Piccolo, to collect a set of seven magical orbs that will grant their wielder unlimited power.
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Sabtu, 25 April 2009
Home » Free Movies » Dragon Ball Evolution 2009
Dragon Ball Evolution 2009
Diposting oleh Meirina Utami di 12.12
Label: Free Movies
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